• Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut ** (of 4)

    As a twenty year old soldier Vonnegut was one of the few people to survive the allied bombing of Dresden in World War II. For more than twenty years he wrestled with how to tell the story of the senseless and overwhelming destruction of a city and vritually all its inhabitants. What he decides upon is a fictional account of the absurd life of Billy Pilgrim, a soldier-nebish who travels in time and space and conjoins with science fiction characters. The book’s success is the novelty in which it portrays the absurdity of war by being an absurdist book. Or, it fails as just another late 60s acid trip of a tale. July 2008.

  • Birds without Wings by Louis DeBerniere

    I tried. I read 100 pages but could get no further. An excessively detailed description of the disintegration of a town of Turks (Muslims) and Greeks (Christians) who get along and then are split apart by World War I or II, I can’t recall. Read Corelli’s Mandolin instead, by the same author, because it is one of the best books I’ve ever read. May 2007.